Andre Torrez

March Challenge!

Whoops. Kind of dropped the ball here. So for this month I decided to do something hard given last month ended up being so easy. For the first time in years I actually knew what the movies up for Oscars were!

For the month of March I won’t be buying anything off of I do most of my kitchen/home supply shopping stuff like filters and trash bags off of Amazon. Not to mention Kindle books, physical books, shoe laces, etc. I mainly use it for stuff I need right away and won’t be able to take time off to get during the week.

And so, after seeing that article in January about not using any of the big five tech giants, I decided to see how hard it would be to just not use Amazon. [He writes, currently editing this post on an EC2 server.]

The compulsion to just order it on Amazon and get it done is so real. In just the last week of February I definitely leaned on that convenience because we hadn’t made a trip to Target in a couple of weeks.

It’s funny but Lent started this past Wednesday. While I’m not a practicing Catholic, I did it long enough to still be aware of the holy days when they come and go. The period of Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday is one that resonated with me the most when I was a kid. I think it had to do with watching my mom make a real sacrifice for Lent (and God) every year.

If you’ve been reading this site for a while you know I’ve done challenges in the past. I only listened to music released in 2010 (in 2010), then only music released in 1986, then again in 2012 (in 2012). It’s fun to reflect on what happens when you add a constraint and I find myself doing it all the time in my life.

I hope to check-in a bit more on this one as I’ve already bought a paper book at a local book store and bought some bike rollers from my local bike shop (even if it was cheaper online). I also didn’t link to anything on Amazon with my associate’s ID in this post. 😂

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